Meet the team!

Andrew Hodges, Head of Network

I’ve been cycling regularly for the last 5 years and working at easyJet for the last 10 years.  With four children of my own, I’m a huge fan of UNICEF’s work, helping disadvantaged kids around the world to get a step ahead in life.  I rode 100 miles in support of UNICEF this summer and hope to go one better in this ride, both in terms of the distance covered and the amount we can raise for a very good cause.

Adam Thorne, Pilot, Bristol

I am a Bristol based easyJet pilot and have been with the company for nearly 3 years now. I got into cycling through triathlons and have competed in about 6 events of varying distances over the summer. Having joined a local triathlon club (PAC-TRI) I have seen how many people compete in events in order to raise money for charity and thought it was about time that I did some exercise in aid of a good cause and not "just" for fun! The route and distance looks challenging, however UNICEF is a great cause and will be the motivation to push on through. 

Sarah "Glidergoth" Kelman, Pilot, Stansted

Although I've completed iron distance triathlons, this is first time I've attempted back to back century rides. Also, as an East Anglian rider, the hills of the Peaks and Lake District will really test me. However, my personal suffering is only temporary unlike that of millions of children in the UK and worldwide. Please donate to UNICEF to contribute to their work with the Syrian refugees as well as alleviating disease and suffering in children everywhere.

Gary Smith, Business Lead - NEO

I'm the instigator of this mad venture, I've been cycling for a long time and have done a few ironman triathlons but have never ridden 4 long days back to back. In November. Probably in the rain. Starting in Scotland. I wanted to do something unique to raise funds for UNICEF and to celebrate easyJet's 20th birthday, and what better than to ride our first route. However the organisation may turn out to be a bigger challenge than the ride itself......!

Kate McWilliams, Pilot, Paris CDG

I joined easyJet nearly 5 years ago and have spent most of that time based in Paris. Having worked as a fitness instructor in my previous life, sports have always been an interest of mine but cycling is a relatively new hobby. In January this year I signed up to cycle London to Paris for charity before I'd even bought myself a road bike. When I reached the finish line in Paris I said "Never Again!!!" but here I am two months later signing up for G2L. It's going to be a tough challenge but it's all worthwhile to raise much needed funds to support the ongoing work of UNICEF.  

Kenneth McKenzie, Pilot, Edinburgh

I joined Easyjet in the summer of 2000 when we had less aeroplanes in the company than we do riders in our G2L team today. I now live on a farm in the Scottish Highlands with my wife, our 4 young children and our small herd of Highland Coos.
I couldn’t fail to be touched by UNICEF’s recent work with the Syrian refugees, and their continuous efforts to stop preventable disease in children worldwide.
From Glasgow to Luton I guess we’ll be cold, exhausted and hungry but I’m hopeful that our efforts will raise enough money to make a difference, and that we’ll gain some good friends and experiences along the way.

My favourite event to date has been the Highland Cross. A 50 mile coast to coast duathlon which I've completed 6 times. I loved this year's London Marathon and I'm currently tapering for the Loch Ness Marathon (in a week) whilst training for the G2L. As we say on the flight deck – it’s just energy management!

Sacha Watt,  Technical Supply Chain Material Planner 
For some bizarre reason the gruelling, miserable pain incurred from lactic acid burning off my legs after 50/70/100 miles on two wheels has become mildly obsessional and taken over most of my free time for the last 15 years. That being said, the challenge ahead of us in November is somewhat daunting with back to back rides in cold weather.  For me cycling is about the outdoors, de-stressing, time to think and keeping off unwanted timber. Having worked for easyjet for nearly 5 years now it's a privilege to be able to contribute to the work that UNICEF does for young kids. I am looking forward to seeing LTN on the 9th Nov in one piece so I can make the party.   

Anthony Cooper, Enterprise Architect

I work in the Enterprise Architecture team for easyJet IT where I have been working for almost 7 years. I took up triathlon about 10 years ago after giving up rugby. I race for a local club (Eton tri) and have represented GB as an age grouper at Olympic distance. I have wanted to do a long multi-day ride for a while now, and the G2L venture provided perfect opportunity to scratch that itch as well as supporting UNICEF.

Robin Evans, Pilot, Luton

Three year cycling veteran seeks comrades for physically arduous, short-term, long-distance road relationship. easyJet allows us all to take this sort of commute for granted; as wonderful and popular as this is, perhaps it's time to go back to slow travel once in a while, especially in the context of UNICEF support.  This is true easyJet pioneering grit & spirit; forget the yellow jersey for a while, we intend to reclaim it as orange.  The biggest challenge?  Achieving this in-between sedentary 50hr weeks strapped to a metal tube and with a young family.  It's all cycle-logical.

Richard Bull, Pilot, Luton 

I am a Captain in Luton but I started my commercial flying career in Glasgow and managed to find my way home (Hertfordshire) via Manchester, throughout the last 15 years. The Glasgow to Luton bike ride hopefully won't take me another 15 years, but it will be a challenge over 4 days. I have raised money for UNICEF in the last few years, collecting outside Luton Town FC and jumping out of aircraft. This time I really want to suffer whilst providing for a good cause. 

Eddie McManus, Liaison Engineer

Based in Luton, I have been with the company since July 2000. I was introduced to road cycling in 2012 when I joined the easyJet team that competed in the London to Brighton bike ride on behalf of the British Heart Foundation. To be honest, I am not a regular cyclist and this will be a huge personal challenge but one I am determined to complete on behalf of UNICEF and to celebrate our 20th Birthday.   

Martin Throsby, Rostering and Training Manager

My cycling consists mainly of cycling to work every day, all year, in all weathers covering 150 miles a week, albeit in 15 mile batches.  I get through a cycle to work scheme bike about every 2 years, although my current bike is just reaching 15, 000 miles.  I have completed a couple of century sportives in the past, plus several 24 hour ultra marathon events so I hope this will stand me in good stead getting my bulk over the Lake District. It is a privilege to take part in this ride to help UNICEF and support the 20th anniversary celebrations.

Pat Moane, Pilot, Paris CDG

Prior to moving to France 4 years ago l had been doing some cycling on and off with local clubs but since moving here I began bike touring mainly around France with another expat friend. Weather conditions make a big difference on the long bike trips so hopefully the wind is northerly and the rain stays off. Wishful thinking I know. Happy to be getting the opportunity to take part and supporting UNICEF in the process.

Anthony Drury, Director of Business

“Passionate for cycling through windblown torrential rain in the freezing cold……, I can’t wait!!!!.
I have been at easyJet for 18 months and head up the Business team based in Luton and see this as a great opportunity to leverage my passion to help raise some much needed funds for UNICEF whilst celebrating the airlines 20 year anniversary.
From a cycling perspective I tend to swing between the MTB and Road  bike depending on the time and weather most weekends around the kids’ activities. Recent cycling success includes the 2015 “Majorca 312” which is a long way in a day, 2014 “Lands’ end to John O Groats” and “2013 UK Crossing (MTB)” hence I kind of have an idea of what we are in for albeit for the “weather”.
Another great excuse to buy more Castelli kit……..
Downhill all the way.

 Gareth Davies, Business Systems Manager
I’ve worked for easyJet IT for just over 8 months as the Business Systems Manager working with the People Team and IT Teams in Luton.  I’ve been cycling for a few years, but only seriously this last 12 months mainly racing middle distance Triathlons after changing my lifestyle a couple of years ago and losing weight.  I am a member of a local cycli
ng & triathlon club (Cycling Club Ashwell) and Freedom Tri.  As well as supporting a great cause, in UNICEF, being part of a historic celebrations for easyJet, I also love the challenge and meeting people I wouldn’t normally meet in my day to day work.

Chris Gray, Enterprise Architect
Got the bug for cycling back at the turn of the century in 2000 where some work colleagues persuaded me to participate in a cycle event in the French Alps called 'Le Marmotte' which, loving a challenge, I readily signed up to not really understanding the enormity of it.  Since then I have completed a few others over the years & needless to say the typical experience on the day is amazing and now a days it can be difficult to get me off the bike.  Having only been with easyJet for two months this is an opportunity to meet & make new friends, of course the challenge over four days and, more importantly, support a great cause.

Edd Winter, Pilot, Milan 
When I joined easyJet nearly five years ago I was, to put it bluntly, lazy and fat. Then I moved to Milan and my lifestyle changed completely.
I've now become somewhat obsessed with putting myself through interesting physical challenges. I love hiking in the local mountains come rain or shine...or snow!
This year I cycled the beautiful coastline from Split to Trieste over three days as well as several other painful but highly rewarding bike rides in the UK and Italy.
The easyJet Glasgow to Luton ride will be a completely different challenge and this time it wasn't an idea concocted over a glass of wine on a day off, it’s for a fantastic cause and hopefully we can make a big difference for UNICEF. So bring on the quadruple century!! (and hopefully an Indian Glasgow!)

Duncan Beckman, Pilot, Luton
I joined Easyjet in the office in 2011 and moved into the flight deck in 2012, initially in Liverpool, but in Luton now, where I've been first officering my way through life, and I love it, it's my dream job!
It has to be said that I am not a natural cyclist at 6'1" and 95kg, but if I keep playing rugby I may well break myself. I was enticed into cycling by a combination of the cycle to work scheme and my girlfriend's family who are keen cyclists, and I blame them entirely. 
I got my first road bike 2 years ago, and it now dominates my spare time. I can't believe how much I've taken to it. I enjoy the speed, the fresh air, the scenery, the maintenance the weird cyclist humour and even cleaning my steed. This year I have started riding sportives and even my summer holiday was entirely cycle themed. 
I'm really excited for a new cycling challenge in the form of the Tour de easyJet, and already worrying that I'm going to be the slow one off the back of the group. Another great thing about cycling is that many of the organised rides around the country are run by charities to raise money and I feel really proud that easyJet are continuing this culture to help UNICEF and celebrate their 20th birthday in 2 wheeled style.