Tuesday 10 November 2015

D4: Derby-H89, Luton
110 miles
Last day, a treat up at 5.30 to start even earlier to coordinate arrival time
Finally, a pink sunrise as we head south, limbs complaining aggressively for the first hour
Familiar landscape of the gently rolling Midlands, cut hedges & farms
A cheer rings out as we pass into the National Forest & then Northamptonshire, penultimate county
Some atrocious motorist behaviour today; more fool you!
Final stop at a garden centre outside Northampton thinking of the group finale
Darkness falls again and it is head down, immune to pain, knowing we can finish...& there it is!
A swarm of 17 hove into view whooping & cheering with a mass lift of bikes above heads
A predictably unpredictable odyssey of highs & lows with an amazing team

Thank you to all our crew & well-wishers; we turned the pedals but you greased the wheels...
If you dream big, miracles can happen; hard work is the oldest trick in the book!

Sunday 8 November 2015

Day 3: Burnley-Derby
92 miles 0730-1745
Really slow, unpleasant start straight up to Todmorden, feet sodden again
Overhauled uphill by a lady on a mountain bike?  Says it all!
After two hours in, things dried out & we were back to silly jokes again
Accidental but perfect little pause for two minutes at 11am, traffic stopped & total silence in post-industrial Manchester outskirts...led to massive  terrain kickups through Glossop towards Derbyshire.
Eventually dropped into the Midlands by cover of darkness, eight in a line powering through again!

Saturday 7 November 2015

Day 2: Carlisle-Burnley
130kms on the road 0745-1800
Incredible day of landscape through the Lakes & York Moors
Some severely bleak spells across the moors, roads running rivers & howling winds
All boasting sodden feet by lunchtime
Gradients up to 17% testing all of us with 17 happy, tested & jovial faces
Top class food & cheering from the orange angels...
Sponsorship totaliser almost exceeding the terrain & heart-rate monitors
More please...!

Friday 6 November 2015